My sock-less feet felt slippery in my tan loafers. It was warm for an autumn day, or...

My accumulated experiences as a master’s student would begin a transformative...

On one trip to the field, I was joined by a new graduate student, Daler, and an...

As a master’s student, I started online dating. I started dating after the failure...

Throughout my master’s program I periodically encountered difficult obstacles to...

The PhD

I was lying face down on the bed unable to move but my mind was still grinding away at an...

Completing a Master’s Degree

Throughout my master’s program I periodically encountered difficult obstacles to overcome....

Home Life

As a master’s student, I started online dating. I started dating after the failure of a long...

Adventures in Field Work

On one trip to the field, I was joined by a new graduate student, Daler, and an undergraduate, whom I was permitted to hire to help me with some field and lab work. I had the good fortune of hiring James, the undergraduate, who had listed on his...

A New Master’s Student

My accumulated experiences as a master’s student would begin a transformative process that...

Hello world!

My sock-less feet felt slippery in my tan loafers. It was warm for an autumn day, or so I...

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